We are a Brisbane legal advisory firm
Our lawyers are trusted by clients nationwide to provide expert legal insight, creative solutions, and timely counsel.
About Us
Yes, we are lawyers
…but paraclete better describes our calling.
In ancient Greece, lawyers were sometimes called a paraclete. Paraclete literally means a person who is “called to one’s side or aid”. There is no one English term which fully captures who a paraclete is. Different attempts at translation include advocate, helper, encourager, comforter and intercessor.
“Our calling is to be more than just lawyers. Our calling is to stand side by side with our clients as their advocate, helper, encourager and intercessor.”

Our lawyers are senior practitoners with broad ranging experience, and a special focus on not for profits, charities, and commercial, property & business law. Our lawyers have coalface governance experience, sitting on and advising boards and committees of schools, churches and charities.
We deliver our services in a way that is relational, responsive and down to earth. We like to get to know our clients – their goals, priorities and values. We are hands on, pragmatic, and values driven lawyers who see our job not just as a career, but a calling. As your legal advisors, we believe we are called to care deeply, serve humbly, and advocate with courage on your behalf. When you need help with a legal issue, we are called to your side to walk with you and to help you navigate the path forward.
Find out about our key services.
Not for Profit & Charity Law
Governance & Risk | Compliance | Establishment & Structuring | Charitable Trusts | Mergers & Acquisitions | Property | Tax Concessions and ACNC registration and reporting | Transfer Duty & Land Tax Exemptions | Policy Formation and Training
Commercial & Business
Business Sale & Purchase | Establishment | Terms & Conditions | Tax | Contracts | Employment Advice | Franchising | Equipment Hire | Loan Agreements | Lease Disputes
Commercial Land & Buildings | Body Corporate | Development | Leasing | Residential Conveyancing
Wills & Estates
Wills | Enduring Powers of Attorney | Estate Planning | Testamentary Discretionary Trusts | Probate & Estate Administration
Retirement Living & Aged Care
Retirement Villages | Aged Care Providers | Retirement Planning & Social Security | Retirement Village Conveyancing | Granny Flat Interests | Aged Care Entry | Disputes
Dispute Resolution & Litigation
Alternative Dispute Resolution | Mediation | Estate Litigation & Family Provision Application | Commercial Litigation | QCAT & Other Tribunals
Our Clients
Our lawyers have spent their careers developing broad skills to service clients across several key sectors. For our school, church and not for profit clients, we have over 15 years in your world and bring up to the minute legal expertise and “hands on” active management of your matter by our senior legal advisors. We are agile, value for money, and responsive to your needs.
The beating heart of our practice are everyday people who call our team to their side. Whether you are buying your first home, administering your parent’s estate, or running a family business, our first prize is to be known as “your lawyers“.
Find out about our key client groups here.
Not For Profits & Charities
Clubs & Associations | Public benevolent institutions | Environmental Organisations | Cultural Organisations | Health Promotion Charities | Public Ancillary Funds | Scholarship Funds | School or College Building Funds | Necessitous Circumstances Funds | Charitable Trusts
Churches & Religious Organisations
Local Churches | Denominational Structures | Parachurch organisations | Care arms | Mission Organisations
Schools, Early Learning & Educational Institutions
Independent Schools | Early Learning Centres | VET & Tertiary Providers | OHSCs
Large Enterprise | Family Owned Business | Small-Medium Enterprise | Partnerships | Trusts | Franchises | Sole Traders